
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Curious Ceramics at the 2013 Dinner for 101 Exhibition

Curious Ceramics has been part of Esther Esmyol's fantastical 2013 Dinner for 101 exhibition of a 101 ceramic tableware sets at Cape Town's Castle of Good Hope (a part of our Iziko Museums). Here is the evidence: 

Curiouscape iii was installed in the Lady Anne Barnard Banqueting Hall at Iziko's Cape Town Castle of Good Hope and also forms part of the curiouscape range (i-ii) exhibited at Li Edelkoort's Memphis Meets Africa at the 2013 Design Indaba. (Image courtesy of Iziko)

Curious Ceramics with friends. (Image courtesy of Iziko)


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curious ceramics website by anjadk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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